Jeff Bezos Recovers Apollo Engines From the Atlantic Ocean

Alan Best
6 Les abonnés

Jeff Bezos recovers Apollo engines from the Atlantic ocean.<br /><br />The founder and CEO of, Jeff Bezos, has announced that he and his expedition team have recovered engines from some of the Apollo spacecrafts off of the Atlantic Ocean floor. <br /><br />They used remote underwater vehicles to go almost three miles deep into the Atlantic and recover parts of the engines that first carried humans into space. <br /><br />Among the recoveries are two Saturn V F-1 rocket engines that were used in NASA Apollo missions between 1963 and 1972.<br /><br />NASA Administrator Charles Bolden said: “This is a historic find and I congratulate the team for its determination and perseverance in the recovery of these important artifacts of our first efforts to send humans beyond Earth orbit.” <br /><br />Bezos plans to restore the artifacts and put them on display to the public for viewing. <br /><br />The pieces of space junk fell into the ocean after launching spacecrafts into orbit, or to the moon.<br /><br />In a case of space junk hitting someone, one woman was struck by a piece of space junk that fell to earth back in 1997. <br /><br />The thing that hit her was confirmed as a piece from a United States Air Force Delta II rocket. <br /><br />She might be the only person to ever be hit by falling spacecraft material.

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