1 Views· 03/06/24· Technology & Software Education

Mark Zuckerberg: Internet access can eradicate extreme poverty

Alan Best
6 Subscribers

The Facebook CEO called for greater global Internet access on Saturday during a speech at the United Nations.<br />"When communities are connected, we can lift them out of poverty," he said.<br />"We can and must do more."<br />Zuckerberg said Facebook would be working with the U.N. to help bring Internet access to refugee camps - especially timely given Europe's current crisis.<br />Zuckerberg's U.S. partnership is part of the U.N.'s effort to eliminate extreme poverty by 2030 - a goal that was set Friday.<br />"Connecting the world is one of the fundamental challenges of our generation," Zuckerberg said Saturday.<br />Zuckerberg's speech about the crucial role that connectivity plays in reaching the U.N.'s sustainable development goals was directed at CEOs, heads of state and leaders of civil society organizations.

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